Most of the systems we install at PPC Wales are manufactured by Hikvision and so you'll be using this app to manage your surveillance system.

The Hik-Connect application is also used to manage our wireless alarm systems (AX Pro), video doorbells and access control systems. If you have one or more of these systems installed at your premises then you'll probably be using this app to manage your system.


How do I download the Hik-Connect app?

You can download the Hik Connect app from the Apple App Store or from Android's Play Store;




The app can also be downloaded directly from Hikvision here:


Logging in to the Hik-Connect app

To successfully sign in to the app you will need a username and password which we will have provided to you during installation of your system. Your username is an email address, similar to "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." and your password is unique and secure.


1. Download and install the app (details above) and then open the app

PPC Branded Hik-Connect App



2. Sign in with email - Enter your username to the email address field, then enter your account password to the password field.

Signin in to Hik-Connect app


3. Select the device you want to view. If you have a CCTV system installed the system will display in the app like (below). Tapping the black box will play live feeds from each of your CCTV cameras.

Your CCTV system on the Hik Connect app


That's it. You're now signed in.

To play back CCTV footage select the playback button in the top-left corner of the screen - Then select the camera you want to play back from, the date and time of playback and use the slider at the bottom of the screen to adjust the time throughout the 24 hours of the chosen day.